Rek Bell

The Event

Context. Hakazi and Ikkard have been in Liskar together for 3 years, but now an event threatens their friendship and Hakazi isn't sure he can survive another big change...

Notes. Hakazi has learned to enunciate again, but having dysarthria means he still has some difficulty. I tried to make this evident in the text, while keeping it readable. If you could hear him speak, he would speak slow and nasally. In order to pronounce some long and difficult words, Hakazi will break them down to sound them out, words like...
Please becomes Puh-lee-zuh
Half lives becomes Half-live-suh
Play becomes Puh-lay
Rapist becomes Ray-piss-tuh
Decided becomes Dee-sigh-ded
Celebrate becomes Cell-bwait
Seriously becomes See-ree-ass-lee.

Warning. Some swearing, death .
[Status: complete]

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