A collection of articles, stories, instructions, on a variety of subjects.
Because of content spinning and garbage generators like ChatGPT, it is becoming harder to use search engines to find good sources of information on the internet. To combat this, we need to gather and share links written by experienced and well-meaning humans. I encourage you to keep your own list of bookmarks on your website, and to link to other lists.
First of all, gives these alternative search engines and/or web directories a go. I encourage you to submit worthwhile sites that you find to help build up a quality of database of good websites:
Hey you! Yes, you, fantastic human, here's a button for my website, should you want to link to it:
- Internet
- Fun
- Technology
- Climate Knowledge
- Sailing
- Boating BC
- Gardening
- Preparedness
- Gender
- Specieism
- Design
- Cooking
- Language
- Articles/Blogposts
- Videos
- Lists of Links
- Games
- Art
- Personal websites/wikis
- Stores
- Meatspace
- Cycling
- Webrings
- Buttons
- Configuring Firefox(privacy/no tracking), Sciops.net
- Alt-text as poetry
- The Website Obesity Crisis (Internet)
- Social media and parasocial media (Internet)
- Pikselkraft (Low-tech web)
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- Alt Text Selfies
- Radio Taiso(exercise).
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- Steam Vehicles
- Low-Tech Labs
- Nomadic Research Labs
- The Right to Repair
- Low Tech Magazine
- Dangerous Laboratories: scientific, industrial, and alternative energy projects
- Other Power: Make Your Electricity From Scratch
- Street Use (Low-tech, Repair/Reuse)
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Climate knowledge
- Water at Airports (helping travellers with reusable bottles)
- Heated (Newsletter, Climate Journalist)
- Design life cycle
- Should we go vegan? (Wikidebate)
- Nature as an Ally (Wendell Berry Interview)
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- Roger Taylor (Junk Rig, Solo Sailor)
- How to Scull a Boat (How-to)
- Building a dinghy (How-to).
- LadyJacks (Radical Feminist Sailors)
- SY Bosun Bird (World sailors, Canadian)
- SY Dawn Treader (World Sailors, Projects)
- SY Tari Tari (Sailor, Jute Sailboat)
- gunwale and hull cushioning (How-to, Article).
- defensive boating (How-to, Article)
- the black box theory
- Sven Irvind (Sailor, Small DIY Sailboat)
- C.C. O'Hanlon (Nomad, Sailor, Writer)
- Annie Hill (Junk-Rig)
- Speedwell Adventures (Junk Rig, Solo Sailor)
- Sailing Auklet (Small Junk Rig)
- Cheap Pages (Boatbuilding, DIY, Resources)
- Not All Who Wander Are Lost (Ferrocement, Gaff Rig)
- SY Muktuk (World sailors, German)
- SY Robusta (World sailors, Swiss)
- Nowhere soup (Pacific ocean sailors, American)
- SY Sunstone (World sailors, English)
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- Metport (Detailed Wind Visualizations)
- River Nomads, Liveaboards, Canal-Dwellers and Other People of the Water (Liveaboard, Collapse)
- Vessels of Concern: Signs of the Times (Liveaboard, Collapse)
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- Wild Heart Homestead (Permaculture)
- Compost Guy (Bokashi etc)
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- Rope Rescue Training Resource
- A Free Manual for Practicing Insurrectionary Medicine
- Ecodefense: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching
- How to Build a Corsi-Rosenthal Box(JPG, Wikipedia).
- Dark Mountain Manifesto
- Traction Project (Self-Defense, Repair, LGBTQIA+)
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- Respecter la non-binarité de genre en français
- Resolving One Long-Standing Insecurity and Proposing Another (Article, Personal blog)
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- Pixel perfect handbook
- Dither it(Online Dithering Tool)
- RNS Stitch Bank
- Latex Title Pages(PDF file[978 kB], Examples)
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- Hybrid-Electric Small Vessel Drive (DIY Hybrid Electric System for Small Sailboats)
- How to Make Cables and Harness Splices (Nasa, How-to)
- Shoelace Knots (How-to)
- five hole pamphlet stitch
- Fabric calculator (Sailrite, Tool)
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- Save food from the fridge (Design)
- Une Maman Vegane (Vegan Blog, QC)
- Domingo Club (Design, Fermentation)
- Ni cru ni cuit (Lacto-Fermentation)
- Nukazuke Tutorial (Japanese Fermentation Technique)
- Oat-gurt (Fermentation, Recipe)
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- Toki Pona word list (Reference, Wikibooks)
- Toki Pona cheat sheet (PDF[119 KB])
- politics and the english language (George Orwell)
- On Discourse
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Articles/blog posts
I've separated these links from the rest because I vouch for the quality of each specific article, not of the entire website.
- Challenging the Myths of Generative AI
- The Work of Creation in the Age of AI (Art, Deep Meaning, Critique)
- Everything in its place (Design)
- How to do Nothing (Attention Economy)
- Sick Systems (Psychology, manipulation).
- What Progress Means (Technology)
- Sailing Farmer Post Carbon Future (Climate Knowledge)
- Water is life (Climate Knowledge)
- The Origins of Anti-Litter Campaigns (Climate Knowledge.
- 2012 Pacific Northwest Passage by SOL(Sailing Northern Waters)
- Adding a Tilt-up 9.8-hp Outboard Well to an Alberg 30 (How-to)
- Applying Coppercoat (DIY, Sailboat, Boatyard)
- Cheap Watermaker Plans (DIY, How-to, Boats)
- What do you Think About Chat GPT? (Technology)
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- Manben (Daily Motion, Japanese show featuring reknowned mangakas)
- On Gender (YouTube, Gender)
- Siberian Guys Circumnavigated the Globe in a Catamaran (Documentary, Adventuring, Sailing)
- See How a Master Oufits Her Boat (YouTube, Offshore Sailor)
- Race to Alaska Movie
- Peter Knowles (YouTube, Wooden boat owner, tinkerer)
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Other lists of links
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Personal Websites(wikis)
- XXIIVV (Artist, Dev, Sailor)
- Avi Bryant (Tinkerer, BC)
- Ritual Dust (Folk/Fantasy Artist, MTL)
- Kira Oakley (Solar punk, Anti-Capitalist Tech, BC)
- Everest Pipkin (Software Artist, Games, US)
- Hamish (Game Programmer, Sailor, NZ)
- Klardotsh (Sailor, Software Dev)
- Nomand (Hardware, Artist, Sailor, NZ)
- Jes (Human-Scale Code, Van life, US)
- James Chip (Appreciator of Mosses, Ttrpg)
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- Ko-op studio (Indie games, MTL)
- Double Stallion (Indie games, MTL)
- Popagenda (Game producers for hire, MTL)
- Juicy Beast (Indie games, MTL)
- Ocean Mouse (Indie games, TO)
- Thunder Lotus (Indie games, MTL)
- Neon Rumble (Indie games, MTL)
- Lexaloffle (Game artist, Pico8, programmer)
- Ellugar (Indie Games, MX)
- Etter studio (Games, Design)
- Nina Freeman (Poet, Game Dev)
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- Marianne Vincent (Game artist, MTL)
- The Sad Ghost Club (Art project, Mental Health Wwareness)
- Jours de Papier (Comic artist, Humor, MX)
- Villainette (Comics, Martial Arts)
- Cab, (Comic Artist, MTL)
- Boum (Animator, Comic artist, MTL)
- Genevieve FT (Pinup Art, Body Positivity, Tattoos)
- Mathieu Beaulieu (Cartoon artist, designer, MTL)
- Ideeez (Designer, JP)
- Matthew Forsythe (Illustrator, nature)
- Fran Krause (Comic artist, cartoon, horror)
- Emily Carroll (Illustrator, comics, horror)
- Kazu Kibuishi (Illustrator, storyteller)
- Hamlet Machine (Comics, nsfw)
- Feminist Sticker Club (Artwork, feminism)
- Android Arts (Concept artist, console concepts)
- Unknown Fields (Design research studio)
- Helvetica Blanc, (Illustrator, Worldbuilding)
- Dom2d (Game Artist, Mental Health Awareness, MTL)
- Ita Toys (Fashion, Design)
- Jenny Odell (Multidisciplinary Artist, Writer)
- Andrea England (Watercolor Artist, Sailor)
- Amanda Visell (Illustrator, Designer)
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Online Shops
- Nervous system (Generative design, store)
- Valerie Bastille (Artist, MTL)
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- Hackland (Hacker Space, NZ)
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- Tokyo by Bike (Navigating tokyo by bicycle, JP)
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