Rek Bell

Metric — US/Imperial Conversion Charts

Metrication in Canada began in 1970, but today, there is still use of non-metric units in everyday life. The reason for this, is due to the country's historical ties to the UK, and because of its proximity to the US.

Much of the english content on the internet is by American users who use the Imperial system. I find myself converting recipe volumes, and measurements almost everyday. I saved this table to help me convert with ease, without resorting to online calculators.

Table of contents

Converting from one system to the other

Find the conversion number using the table below, then multiply by that number. If the number is large, drop the zeros and use the correct prefix.

Example 1: What is 1000 feet in meters?

In the table below, we see that 1 foot is equal to 0.3048 meters.

Multiply 1000 x 0.3048 = 304.8 meters

Example 2: What is 169 cubic meters (m3) in Imperial?

In the table below, we see that 1 cu meter [m3] is equal to 1.3080 yd3 (cubic yards).

Multiply 169 x 1.3080 = 221.052 yd3

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Metric                            US or Imperial
1 millimeter [mm]     —           0.03937 in
1 centimeter [cm]     10 mm       0.3937 in
1 meter      [m]      100 cm      1.0936 yd 
1 kilometer  [km]     1000 m      0.6214 mile 
US                    Imperial    Metric
1 inch       [in]                 2.54 cm
1 foot       [ft]     12 in       0.3048 m
1 yard       [yd]     3 ft        0.9144 m 
1 mile                1760 yd     1.6093 km 
1 int naut. mile      2025.4 yd   1.852 km

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Metric                US          Imperial
1 sq cm      [cm2]    100 mm2     0.1550 in2 
1 sq m       [m2]     10,000 cm2  1.1960 yd2
1 hectare    [ha]     10,000 m2   2.4711 acres
1 sq km      [km2]    100 ha      0.3861 mile2
US                    Imperial    Metric
1 sq inch    [in2]                6.4516 cm2
1 sq foot    [ft2]    144 in2     0.0929 m2
1 sq yd      [yd2]    9 ft2       0.8361 m2
1 acre                4840 yd2    4046.9 m2
1 sq mile    [mile2]  640 acres   2.59 km2

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Metric                                  US                       Imperial
1 cu cm       [cm3]                     0.0610 in3 (cubic inch)
1 cu decimeter[dm3]   1,000 cm3         0.0353 ft3
1 cu meter    [m3]    1,000 dm3         1.3080 yd3
1 liter       [l]     1 dm3             2.113 fluid pt         1.7598 pt
US Measure            Imperial          Metric
1 cu inch     [in3]                     16.387 cm3
1 cu foot     [ft3]                     0.02832 m3
1 fluid ounce         1.0408 UK fl oz   29.574 ml
1 pint (16 fl oz)     0.8327 UK pt      0.4732 liters
1 gallon (231 in3)    0.8327 UK gal     3.7854 liters

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Metric                                   US or Imperial
1 milligram   [mg]                       0.0154 grain
1 gram        [g]      1,000 mg          0.0353 oz
1 kilogram    [kg      1,000 g           2.2046 lb
1 tonne       [t]      1,000 kg          1.1023 short ton
1 tonne       [t]      1,000 kg          0.9842 long ton
US Measure             Imperial          Metric
1 ounce [oz]           437.5 grain       28.35 g
1 pound [lb]           16 oz             0.4536 kg
1 stone                14 lb             6.3503 kg
1 hundredweight [cwt]  112 lb            50.802 kg
1 short ton (US)                         0.9072 t
1 long ton (UK)                          1.0160 t	

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°C > °F   multiply by 9/5 and add 32.
°F > °C   subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9


What is 25 Celsius in Farenheit?

25 x 9 / 5 + 32 = 77 °F

What is 56 Fahrenheit in Celsius?

56 - 32 x 5 / 9 = 13.3 °C

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Pierce, Rod, 2017, 'Metric - US/Imperial Conversion Charts'. .


Navionics, the navigation software, will list GPS positions in degrees minutes seconds. The below formula is useful to convert this position to decimal degrees.

.d = M.m / 60
Decimal Degrees = Degrees + .d


124° 44.740 (DMS) to DD (Decimal Degrees)

44.740(m.m) / 60 = 0.74566667
124(degrees) + 0.74566667(.d) = 124.0.74566667

And so 124° 44.740 is 124.0.74566667 in Decimal Degrees.

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